Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE) v2.0


Descrizione Corso

The Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE) v2.0 course is designed to equip you with fundamental skills in Python programming. Through a combination of lectures and lab experience in simulated network environments, you will learn to use Python basics to create useful and practical scripts with Netmiko to retrieve data and configure network devices. Upon completion of this course, you should have a basic understanding of Python, including the knowledge to create, apply, and troubleshoot simple network automation scripts.


Before taking this course, you should have:

  • Familiarity with Cisco IOS®-XE software or other Cisco network device configuration and operation skills
  • Basic network management knowledge
  • Cisco CCNA® certification or equivalent knowledge

Obiettivi del Corso

Create a Python script

Describe data types commonly used in Python coding

Describe Python strings and their use cases

Describe Python loops, conditionals, operators, and their purposes and use cases

Describe Python classes, methods, functions, namespaces, and scopes

Describe the options for Python data manipulation and storage

Describe Python modules and packages, their uses, and their benefits

Explain how to manipulate user input in Python

Describe error and exception management in Python

Describe Python code debugging methods

Real Labs: Basta con i simulators! Qui si impara con Real Labs!
Accesso durante i corsi a laboratori reali che consentono di mettere in pratica e sperimentare le soluzioni apprese in aula.

Programma del Corso

  • Introducing Programmability and Python for Network Engineers
  • Scripting with Python
  • Examining Python Data Types
  • Manipulating Strings
  • Describing Conditionals, Loops, and Operators
  • Exploring Classes, Methods, Functions, Namespaces, and Scopes
  • Exploring Data Storage Options
  • Exploring Python Modules and Packages
  • Gathering and Validating User Input
  • Analyzing Exceptions and Error Management
  • Examining Debugging Methods
  • Course Summary

Durata e Struttura

Instructor-led training:  4 days in the classroom with hands-on lab practice.

Calendario Corsi

Corso Data Inizio Data Fine Note
PRNE  30/09/2024 03/10/2024 Concluso 
PRNE  25/11/2024 28/11/2024 Iscrizioni Aperte 


Condizioni di Iscrizione

Pagamento in unica soluzione: € 3.100,00 +Iva 
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Le iscrizioni sono a numero chiuso e pertanto accettate con priorità d’arrivo fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili.
Le iscrizioni per tutti i corsi possono essere fatte direttamente online.

Crediti per Rinnovo Certificazione Cisco

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